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Treść opublikowana przez Dester

  1. Mam, mam aseprite, oba są świetne :) Dzięki
  2. Genialne. Jeszcze nigdy nie widziałem programu w którym "magiczna różdżka" działała by tak dobrze. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  3. ...Programu, który działa tak jak sprite editor w game makerze. Albo painta z przezroczystym tłem.
  4. Jeśli chodzi ci o tę prędkość w edytorze sprita, to ona jest tylko do podglądu.
  5. Nic nie przejdzie. Błąd w kodzie. Powinno być tak: GML if global.punkty == -10 { room_goto(nazwa_roomu) }
  6. A da się łatwiej? Bo to na górze wcale tak nie brzmi ^^^^
  7. Ten kod wcześniej działał. Nic nie zmieniłem. Nowy kod GML if(reloading==1 or firing==1 or knife==1){ exit; } if(keyboard_check(0x57)==false and keyboard_check(0x44)==false and keyboard_check(0x53)==false){ walksprite=0; if(item==""){ sprite_index=player_idle; exit; } if(item=="rifle"){ sprite_index=player_rifleidle; exit; } if(item=="pistol"){ sprite_index=player_pistolidle; exit; } } Error at line 6 pos 21: Symbol , or ) expected.
  8. Wolałbym nie.. Jak już musisz narzekać to pomóż poprawić :c
  9. GML //RELEASE A if(reloading==1 or firing==1 or knife==1){ exit; } if(keyboard_check(0x57)==0){ if(keyboard_check(0x44)==0){ if(keyboard_check(0x53)==0){ walksprite=0; if(item==""){ sprite_index=player_idle; exit; } if(item=="rifle"){ sprite_index=player_rifleidle; exit; } if(item=="pistol"){ sprite_index=player_pistolidle; exit; } } } } ERROR at line 7 pos 21: Symbol , or ) expected. 7: GML if(keyboard_check(0x57)==0){
  10. Jeśli chodzi o grafikę w stylu retro, to ja chętnie pomogę. Mogę ci zrobić w takim samym rozmiarze sprity tylko ładniejsze :)
  11. Powtórzę jeszcze raz. Błędy same się stworzyły kiedy otworzyłem projekt.
  12. Robiłem coś takiego w lua od 2 lat i na to nie wpadłem... I tak wiadomo że to wszystko wina gma To, że błędy same z siebie się tworzą po otwarciu projektu nie jest normalne ... Przerobię na kod...
  13. Czy zamiana całego eventu na kod by pomogła?
  14. ok Bloczek o nazwie exit event. Z dużym iksem. To wiem i używam, ale jak przypisać mu prędkość z tego skryptu? ------------------------- Pomożesz z tymi błędami?
  15. Bo nie wiem jakie funkcje odpowiadają [Change Sprite] i [Exit Event] >.< I tworzenie poruszajacego sie obiektu
  16. Otwieram projekt w GMS. Pojawia się okno. Error in Object player, Event Key Release A-key, Action 9: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release A-key, Action 11: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release A-key, Action 13: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release D-key, Action 9: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release D-key, Action 11: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release D-key, Action 13: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release S-key, Action 9: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release S-key, Action 11: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release S-key, Action 13: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release W-key, Action 9: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release W-key, Action 11: Symbol , or ) expected. Error in Object player, Event Key Release W-key, Action 13: Symbol , or ) expected. To są bloczki, i jestem pewien że nie ma w nich żadnych błędów Key Release Event for A-key Key: if reloading is equal to 1 exit this event if firing is equal to 1 exit this event if keyboard_check(0x57) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check(0x44) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check(0x53) is equal to 0 if knife is equal to 0 set variable walksprite to 0 if item is equal to "" set the sprite to player_idle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "pistol" set the sprite to player_pistolidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "rifle" set the sprite to player_rifleidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event Key Release Event for D-key Key: if reloading is equal to 1 exit this event if firing is equal to 1 exit this event if keyboard_check_pressed(0x41) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x57) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x53) is equal to 0 if knife is equal to 0 set variable walksprite to 0 if item is equal to "" set the sprite to player_idle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "pistol" set the sprite to player_pistolidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "rifle" set the sprite to player_rifleidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event Key Release Event for S-key Key: if reloading is equal to 1 exit this event if firing is equal to 1 exit this event if keyboard_check_pressed(0x41) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x57) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x44) is equal to 0 if knife is equal to 0 set variable walksprite to 0 if item is equal to "" set the sprite to player_idle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "pistol" set the sprite to player_pistolidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "rifle" set the sprite to player_rifleidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event Key Release Event for W-key Key: if reloading is equal to 1 exit this event if firing is equal to 1 exit this event if keyboard_check_pressed(0x41) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x44) is equal to 0 if keyboard_check_pressed(0x53) is equal to 0 if knife is equal to 0 set variable walksprite to 0 if item is equal to "" set the sprite to player_idle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "pistol" set the sprite to player_pistolidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event if item is equal to "rifle" set the sprite to player_rifleidle with subimage 0 and speed 1 exit this event
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