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Other events

There are a number of other events that can be useful in certain games. They are found in this menu. The following events can be found here:


Outside: This event happens when the instance lies completely outside the room. This is typically a good moment to destroy it. (czyli - jeżeli aktualny obiekt wyjdzie poza pokój [room])

Boundary: This event happens when the instance intersects the boundary of the room. (czyli - jeżeli aktualny obiekt wejdzie w obramowanie pokoju [room])

Game start: This event happens for all instances in the first room when the game starts. It happens before the room start event (see below) but after the creation events for the instances in the room. This event is typically defined in only one "controller" object and is used to start some background music and to initialize some variables, or load some data. (czyli - kiedy gra się rozpocznie)

Game end: The event happens to all instances when the game ends. Again typically just one object defines this event. It is for example used to store certain data in a file. (czyli - kiedy gra się skończy)

Room start: This event happens for all instances initially in a room when the room starts. It happens after the creation events. (czyli - kiedy room w którym znajduje się aktualny obiekt zostanie załadowany)

Room end: This event happens to all existing instances when the room ends. (czyli - kiedy room w którym znajduje się aktualny obiekt zostanie opuszczony)

No more lives: Game Maker has a built-in lives system. There is an action to set and change the number of lives. Whenever the number of lives becomes less than or equal to 0, this event happens. It is typically used to end or restart the game. (czyli - kiedy życia dla aktualnego obiektu skończą się)

No more health: Game Maker has a built-in health system. There is an action to set and change the health. Whenever the health becomes less than or equal to 0, this event happens. It is typically used to reduce the number of lives or to restart the game. (czyli - kiedy zdrowie dla aktualnego obiektu skończy się)

End of animation: As indicated above, an animation consists of a number of images that are shown one after the other. After the last one is shown we start again with the first one. The event happens at precisely that moment. As an example, this can be used to change the animation, or destroy the instance. (czyli - kiedy animacja sprite'a dla aktualnego obiektu dobiegnie końca)

End of path: This event happens when the instance follows a path and the end of the path is reached. (czyli - kiedy droga [path] dla aktualnego obiektu zakończy się)

User defined: There are 16 of these events. They normally never happen unless you yourself call them from a piece of code. (czyli - kawałek kodu, który zostanie wykonany, gdy się go wcześniej wywoła)

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