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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez Madness

  1. Myśl logicznie chłopie.


    Zanim coś takiego tu napiszesz Bedziom, to pomyśl 5 razy gdzie można wkleić ten kod.

    Same x i y w kodzie, powinny ci coś podpowiedzieć + aktualny temat rozmowy.

  2. edit:

    Look, listen to my voice
    If you're making the choice
    Tell me all the girls and the boys
    Either scream or rejoice
    Let's make that noise
    Either move or we will all be destroyed
    Move and show me what you can do
    When you step into the circle and shake like we do
    Move when you just can't take it
    And move if you just feel like breaking it
    Can you hear me? Stop, look, listen to my voice,
    It was never my choice to feel all alone
    This is my home
    Back up , you don't know if you've never been here,
    You've never been to the place inside, I face my fears
    It takes everything I am
    If you come near me, stop, look, listen to my voice
    If you're making the choice tell all the girls and the boys
    Either scream or rejoice
    Let's make that noise
    Either move or we will all be destroyed
    Back up and let go if you've never been here,
    You've never been to the place inside, I face my fears,
    It takes everything I am
    I come crashing to the floor
    And I know there must be more like me
    I've seen this all before, I can't carry this anymore, break free
    Breath, and leave until the storm is over
    'Cause underneath, there's a diamond passing over
    So breath, let's leave until the storm is over,
    Because I want to take you away

  3. Próbuje zrobić jakiś background do Dead End 2.

    Na razie mam coś takiego:


    Pierwsze skojarzenia?


    P.S. Trudno jest cokolwiek narysować precyzyjnie myszką...

    Utrzymuje klimat i to jest najważniejsze.

    Jak dla mnie 5/5


    Po lewej na górze srebrny, cieniowany napis DeaId EInd (jeśli chodzi o ,,I" to wiesz, tam z tyłu), z czerwonym obramowaniem, niekoniecznie krwistym.

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