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instance_deactivate_all(notme) Deactivates all instances in the room. If notme is true the calling instance is not deactivated (which is normally what you want).

instance_deactivate_object(obj) Deactivates all instances in the room of the given object. You can also use all to indicate that all instances must be deactivated or the id of an instance to deactivate an individual instance.

instance_deactivate_region(left,top,width,height,inside,notme) Deactivates all instances in the indicated region (that is, those whose bounding box lies partially inside the region). If inside is false the instances completely outside the region are deactivated. If notme is true the calling instance is not deactivated (which is normally what you want).

instance_activate_all() Activates all instances in the room.

instance_activate_object(obj) Activates all instances in the room of the given object. You can also use all to indicate that all instances must be activated or the id of an instance to activate an individual instance.

instance_activate_region(left,top,width,height,inside) Activates all instances in the indicated region. If inside is false the instances completely outside the region are activated.


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nie wiem czy to jest dobrze, musisz dopasowac to do swoich potrzeb ale to powinno wygladac mniejwiecej tak jak napisalem

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