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Mam problem... nie wiem jak zrobic reakcje na guzik w komunikacie. Mam np taki kod:




{show_message_ext("Tresc komunikatu","tak","nie","chyba");}


Jakiego kodu mam uzyc zeby np po nacisnieciu jednego z guzikow byla jakas reakcja (po nacisnieciu kazdego z nich inna oczywiscie :P)

Mam wersje 6.1... Jaki kod za to odpowiada?

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show_message_ext(str,but1,but2,but3) Displays a dialog box with the string as a message and up to three buttons. But1, but2 and but3 contain the button text. An empty string means that the button is not shown. In the texts you can use the & symbol to indicate that the next character should be used as the keyboard shortcut for this button. The function returns the number of the button pressed (0 if the user presses the Esc key).

var n;
n=show_message_ext("Tresc komunikatu","tak","nie","chyba");

if n=1
//przycisk 1
if n=2
//przycisk 2
if n=3
//przycisk 3
if n=0
//jesli nic

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