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Duszek w pacmanie

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Witam wszystkich makerów!!

Otóz tworzę grę na podstawie pacmana i chciałbym aby duszek gonił pacmana ale ten uparcie stoi w miejscu plz HELP me :)


Z góry THX :)


Po jakiejś określonej trasie, czy ma omijać ściany i biec za pacmanem?

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w create duszka:


if distance_to_object(gracz) <10000





i u gracza stwórz collision z duszkiem i wpisz:


if candamage=1






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chciałem napisać że to źle będzie ale mi prądu brakło i się komp zresetował...

ale przecież może zrobić duszkowi collision z scianą i da tam skrypt:


na jedno wyjdzie...




zrób tak jak Yoda napisał...

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chciałem napisać że to źle będzie ale mi prądu brakło i się komp zresetował...

ale przecież może zrobić duszkowi collision z scianą i da tam skrypt:


na jedno wyjdzie...

Nie. będzie syf, dziadostwo, gówno!


Do takich gier jak pacman nie używa się zwykłych systemów poruszania, tylko takich opartych na siatce ;/

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@Yoda a ty masz GM 6.1?? bo ja nie mogę znaleźć tej siatki...

W GM 6.1 jets motion planning.


Yoda a mógłbyś podać mi to w kodzie

Nie ;/ Ale mogę ci podac stronę w dokumentacji z której możesz sie uczyć.


O, Proszę: Dział Motion Planning:

The actual functions for the grid-based approach are as follows:



mp_grid_create(left,top,hcells,vcells,cellwidth,cellheight) This function creates the grid. It returns an index that must be used in all other calls. You can create and maintain multiple grid structures at the same moment. left and top indicate the position of the top-left corner of the grid. hcells and vcells indicate the number of horizontal and vertical cells. Finally cellwidth and cellheight indicate the size of the cells.


mp_grid_destroy(id) Destroys the indicated grid structure and frees its memory. Don't forget to call this if you don't need the structure anymore.


mp_grid_clear_all(id) Mark all cells in the grid to be free.


mp_grid_clear_cell(id,h,v) Clears the indicated cell. Cell 0,0 is the top left cell.


mp_grid_clear_rectangle(id,left,top,right,bottom) Clears all cells that intersect the indicated rectangle (in room coordinates).


mp_grid_add_cell(id,h,v) Marks the indicated cell as being forbidden. Cell 0,0 is the top left cell.


mp_grid_add_rectangle(id,left,top,right,bottom) Marks all cells that intersect the indicated rectangle as being forbidden.


mp_grid_add_instances(id,obj,prec) Marks all cells that intersect an instance of the indicated object as being forbidden. You can also use an individual instance by making obj the id of the instance. Also you can use the keyword all to indicate all instances of all objects. prec indicates whether precise collision checking must be used (will only work if precise checking is enabled for the sprite used by the instance).


mp_grid_path(id,path,xstart,ystart,xgoal,ygoal,allowdiag) Computes a path through the grid. path must indicate an existing path that will be replaced by the computer path. xstart and ystart indicate the start of the path and xgoal and ygoal the goal. allowdiag indicates whether diagonal moves are allowed instead of just horizontal or vertical. The function returns whether it succeeded in finding a path. (Note that the path is independent of the current instance; It is a path through the g rid, not a path for a specific instance.)


mp_grid_draw(id) This function draws the grid with green cells being free and red cells being forbidden. This function is slow and only provided as a debug tool.

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