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A więc:


Mam obj_wrogz, obj_pole i obj_wrog.


W objekcie obj_wrogz mam zeby stworzyl obj_pole.


obj_wrog mam zaznaczony na Parent obj_wrogz, a w obj_pole mam zaznaczone żeby:




I w tym żecz że jak zrobie 2 objekty obj_wrog to 2 objekty obj_pole idą do jednego z tych 2 objektów :(


Z góry THX :)

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id* The unique identifier for the instance (>= 100000). (Note that when defining rooms the id of the instance under the mouse is always indicated.)
Jak użyć ?

id_=instance_create(x,y,obiekt); //Zachowujemy id obiektu tworzonego.
id_.cel_id=id; //Dajemy obiektowi przed chwila stworzonemu zmienna cel_id o wartosci id obiektu który tworzy ten obiekt (xD)

W stworzonym obiekcie tylko taki kod :


Dzięki za uwage.



Jak się domyślam to chcesz zrobić pole widzenia dla jakichś ludków :D

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Postawiłem kropki bo :

collision_point(x,y,obj,prec,notme) This function tests whether at point (x,y) there is a collision with entities of object obj.

collision_rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,obj,prec,notme) This function tests whether there is a collision between the (filled) rectangle with the indicated opposite corners and entities of object obj. For example, you can use this to test whether an area is free of obstacles.

collision_circle(xc,yc,radius,obj,prec,notme) This function tests whether there is a collision between the (filled) circle centered at position (xc,yc) with the given radius and entities of object obj. For example, you can use this to test whether there is an object close to a particular location.

collision_ellipse(x1,y1,x2,y2,obj,prec,notme) This function tests whether there is a collision between the (filled) ellipse with the indicated opposite corners and entities of object obj.

collision_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,obj,prec,notme) This function tests whether there is a collision between the line segment from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) and entities of object obj. This is a powerful function. You can e.g. use it to test whether an instance can see another instance by checking whether the line segment between them intersects a wall.

Musisz sobie dobrać które będzie ci potrzebne ;)
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