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Treść opublikowana przez swety

  1. swety


    I'm sorry for the bad name this topic :D
  2. swety


    Hi, I would do UDP engine, but I do not know how to do forward(resend) the conected clients ... otherwise I would like to ask the only way to get IP and port is LastinPORT and lastinIP? You do not have someone an idea? =D Heelp me :D If you have any ideas, please write here in English or Poland .. thank Swety
  3. Call Dllinit(); initialize all the functions in 39dll;)
  4. Ahoj lidi :D mám vás všechny rád ! :D Hi people: D I am love you all! : D Miluju dll knihovnu 39dll i love you 39dll libary :D:D:D:D:D :D
  5. You know how the basics of C # and 39dll: D
  6. my nick Swety not Sweety... my nick is not anything sweet,candy,cocholate xD I am Czech ! :D I am not the C + + programmer :D
  7. C # has one super feature .... is simple!(easy) : D C #, the performance can be compared to C +, it goes without saying that the c + + is better ... ;) C # is relatively simple ... and this is good;) otherwise implement Thread's, ThreadPool, and similar technology features can create power server for your program or game;)
  8. 39dll in C# Swety Hello, Today, I decided that publicize import 39dll to C #. Many, I thought of publication, but eventually I said that to will let for themselves and a few individuals: D. After a few days, I realized that not 39ester would never do not go GM engine for online / multiplayer games. Dll(39dll) you have to put in YourtProject / Bin / Release YourtProject / Bin / Debug Special thanks to all you participated in the Tested al my different applications connections with 39dll.dll…. Example "Console APP" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main() { dll.dllInit(); dll.tcplisten(2008, 300, 1); Console.ReadLine(); } } class dll { /* this is imoprt class */ /* copy code from TXT or RTF file;) */ } } Downloads DOWNLOAD (.RTF) DOWNLOAD (.TXT) 39dllV2.5 official post in czech laguage =>
  9. How create new instance from object ?
  10. How create new instance in Delphi Variable = new TSoldier; ? EE? XD
  11. What is it ? inherited Create ? :DDD
  12. Hey!!!!!! It is functionality !! wellll :D Yeah :DDDDD :D Thenk you ! BeWuO ! BeWuO ! BeWuO ! :DDDDDDDDD :thumbsup: ;)
  13. I dont know how regognize with name or id ... for too many such object Solider <_< :(
  14. it's no go it :( :( program Project2; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas'; begin { TODO -oUser -cConsole Main : Insert code here } {Ukaz(); ob:=tob.Create; ob.ShowTextNow; ob.Free; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// solider:=tsolider.Create(5,'Jirka'); with(solider) do begin if ( = 'Jirka') then begin readln; writeLn('Hey!'); writeLn('You!'); writeLn('Super!!!!!'); readln; end; end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// end. unit Unit1; interface procedure Ukaz(); type TOb = class class procedure ShowTextNow(); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Tsolider = class constructor Create (id:Integer;name:String); public id:integer; name:String; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var tname:string; ob:TOb; solider:Tsolider; implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor Tsolider.Create(id:Integer;name:string); begin inherited Create; WriteLn('Tento objekt ma id: ',id,' a nazev: ',name); readln; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure Ukaz(); begin Writeln('Muhehhe Ja jsem normalni metoda xD'); end; class procedure TOb.ShowTextNow(); begin WriteLn('Muhehehehhe Ja jsem metoda OBJEKTU'); ReadLn; end; end. :DD
  15. I will try ;) thank you for Help me :P :D :D :D :D :D
  16. I want create identical object Source one OBJECT Tsolider And form out of him create Solider1 Sloder2 Solider3 Solider(i) or All object will be name Solider work in With( begin end; Help me ! Help me ! please ... i am novice :DDD Ranmus You are crazy xD C++ and C# is hardcore for me .D
  17. How create (OOP) object ? solider1 solider2 solider3 solider4 solider(i) ... ... type TSolider = class end; var solider:TSolider; implementation .... My ask "How create too many solider with ID be in name or in the object" ? I want work on Solider and be all the solider ....
  18. Mike_P ? When do you example in Delphi ? :)
  19. ktoś by mohl zrobić server w C++ albo Delphi :D :D :D chybieni mí koncept :D ;)
  20. Já dumać ze wytworzyć server in Delphi xD a potem C++ ;)
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